On her fifteenth birthday the princess finds a diary written by her mother when she was young. The diary tells of the Queen's secret, early love. The...
Two schoolchildren decided to take the first place in the collection of waste paper at school, but they did not want to work alone and decided to use...
A toy stuffed dog has just been sewn together when it hears a young child ask for an orange. The child's mother explains that they have no money, and...
Playing hide and seek game comes to a sticky end for the cat Tutti and the hippo Topa. Tutti stuck in a well, as the idea to hide there seemed quite...
A cheerful bear, who tries to see the positive aspects in all that happens, wants to persuade a little frog that it should smile more often. The bear...
Late at night, when all household members had gone to bed, a kitten woke up and felt that it overcohasmes insomnia. How to have fun? The playful kid...