Based on the bestselling book series, this outrageous comedy tells the story of George and Harold, two overly imaginative pranksters who hypnotize...
Journalist Mario Hugo tries to put together a Christmas show in the 31 Minutos' studio, but everything ends up going wrong.
Raggedy Ann and Andy leave their playroom to rescue Babette, a beautiful French doll kidnapped by a pirate.
At a wild high school party, a teenager's insecurities manifest in the form of a mischievous sock puppet.
Melvin, a writer, refuses to acknowledge his old characters at a job interview, prompting these characters to manifest...
A young man finds out where all of his missing socks have ended up.
A sock puppet explores a family history told from the perspective of a mother and father.
The Shari Show - Featuring Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop (1975, 1976)
A one minute short film about a young woman struggling with the aftermath of a relationship argument.
Kirika and Mireille are sent out to exterminate Chris Patton in this short film starring Sock Puppets. Originally included as an Easter Egg on Volume...
A French sock puppet soap opera! Based on your grandma's stories.
Kufikira Kwaulere Kwaulere, Sakani chilichonse Palibe Zotsatsa, Mamiliyoni a maudindo ndikuwonjezedwa tsiku lililonse, Onse nsanja ndi Kwathunthu wokometsedwa, Kulikonse komanso nthawi iliyonse