In a loose retelling of the Revolutionary Girl Utena TV series, Utena Tenjou arrives at Ohtori Academy, only to be immediately swept up in a series...
Eager to provide a better future for her son, Fadi, divorcée Muna Farah leaves her Palestinian homeland and takes up residence in rural...
Utena is a tomboyish school girl who attends the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Her strong sense of chivalry pulls her into a series of duels with other...
Kufikira Kwaulere Kwaulere, Sakani chilichonse Palibe Zotsatsa, Mamiliyoni a maudindo ndikuwonjezedwa tsiku lililonse, Onse nsanja ndi Kwathunthu wokometsedwa, Kulikonse komanso nthawi iliyonse