Briar and Bramble lose their mother at a very young age due to mysterious circumstances. Many years later, when an older female bear shows up on the...
If you were a god, would you give up yourself and save the people? For thousands of years, the Finless Porpoise has been protecting the people of the...
In a captivating tale of sacrifice and rebirth, a brilliant hacker named Chen Ning dies to save humanity from a rogue AI, only to be reincarnated as...
Time traveling from 21st to the Nanzhou era, as a ancient immortal, Ye Chen resorted to the ancient force to defeat the troop of State of Di who was...
Follows teenager Xu Xingze, a passionate basketball player who aspires to join the Basketball Team of the regions top school after seeing their Star...
The life of German thinker Karl Marx, focusing on his political and economic theories, his romance with Jenny von Westphalen, and his friendship with...
In the future, with the increasing number of natural disasters and catastrophes from the universe, a mysterious organization called the International...