The storyline revolves around a group of schoolboys who suspect two of their number are in love with each other. They come up with ways to prove the...
Teenage girl Lys is discovered inside the reactor of the newly build TERRA Power Plant and finds she is developing special powers that connect her to...
A father tries to rekindle his relationship with his son after years of absence and lack of communication. He takes him on a car ride across northern...
Things are changing for Mik. His world has been turned upside down by the sudden death of his older brother forcing him to redefine his place in his...
On a hot summer day in the countryside, Ines, a young teenager, gets involved in a friendly ball game between boys her age, and among them Malik, the...
A man hires a P.I. to find a sexy woman he fell in love with. The woman lives with her underage teen sister who dreams about having sex for the first...
Holger and Vilde are best of friends, which makes them inseparable. At the start of their summer holidays, they have to split, but they promise each...