A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a masked killer who targets her and her friends by using scary movies as part...
Four years after the events of Halloween in 2018, Laurie has decided to liberate herself from fear and rage and embrace life. But when a young man is...
On Halloween 1993, 2 years after a deadly nuclear spill, the staff of a historic pioneer village attraction must work together to survive the attack...
Cake decorators, sugar artists and pumpkin carving experts battle it out as they create Halloween-themed edible displays. The last team to scare off...
Ruby Gloom is a Canadian children's show that revolves around the titular character, Ruby, who has a unique perspective on the world. While some kids...
A traditional Halloween pastime is taken to the next level as seven expert pumpkin carvers compete for the title of Outrageous Pumpkins Champion and...