Luz, a young cabdriver, drags herself into the brightly lit entrance of a run-down police station. A demonic entity follows her, determined to...
A battle-hardened soldier faces a heartbreaking moral dilemma when he's ordered to execute a young prisoner who bears an uncanny resemblance to his...
"You Should See Other People" is a three minute mixed media vignette following a misguided 20-something as she copes with the hurtful affairs she's...
Anika Price's LCAD Experimental Animation Senior thesis film.
Two gay losers team up to get revenge on their bullies.
A Civil War veteran-turned-lawman thought he had left his worst nightmares behind him on the battlefield, but the most frightening one will test his...
Of You, as in I Am of You chronicles the complex love story of a mother and daughter shifting back and forth over the course of 25 years, and...
Violette lives in an apartment with her boyfriend. A tension has long driven them apart, the dialogue seems worn-out. While she is in the bathroom...
In a corporate world void of human interaction, Ennis has lost her ability to relate to others. When the company fires her and forces her into a...
A family goes on a road trip and sparks various conversations along the way in their car.
"Ladies Knight" is Joe Rothenberg's undergrad senior thesis project from USC's Hench Division of Animation and Digital Arts.
A mother struggles to save her son from a polluted world.
A psychological thriller about a mysterious rug threatening to tear a superstitious family apart.
After teenage Ben comes to the realization that his stage 4 testicular cancer is terminal, he decides to throw a "practice funeral" as one final...
During the Annecy festival, while the young festival goers flock to the screenings, a producer relaxes on the lake.
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