The Malakian clan, a family of ruthless gangsters, controls the underworld of Southern France. At its head, the violent godfather Milo Malakian rules...
Robert Sternvall, a German journalist, returns to Artsakh in 2016 to cover the war which has been reignited after a 22-year ceasefire. In the result...
Eight-year-old Sargis' father returns home and gives a present to Sargis his dream phone. On the same day, Sargis learns that his father has returned...
Based on the 1890 novel by Raffi, about Murad, an apprentice of a blacksmith who fell under the influence of the pseudo-priest of the Armenian Church...
A feature documentary presented and directed by former Royal Marines Commando Emile Ghessen. The documentary tells the story of the 2020 war between...