After she and her husband lose their jobs, a former Texas homecoming queen inadvertently finds herself in the middle of a prostitution ring after she...
Nina, an art dealer, has her weekly massage appointment and is surprised to find out her usual masseur, Douglas, has sent a replacement named Fitch....
Judith Moore is suddenly single after discovering her husband of fifteen years, a successful doctor, has been having an affair with a younger woman....
Libbie is assigned to her paper's sexual advice column, "Dear Collete". She is taking over the job of Harry a crusty old journalist who shows her the...
In the pursuit of perfection, an alien civilization has evolved to become beings of pure light energy, unbound by the limitations of the mortal body....
Valerie (Stefanie Stappenbeck) is about to get married to the first and only man she ever slept with. But before that happens, she wants to at least...
The story of notorious Australian bank robber Brendan Abbott, who according to the myth, sent postcards to authorities hot on his trail while on the...