With Ran, legendary director Akira Kurosawa reimagines Shakespeare's King Lear as a singular historical epic set in sixteenth-century Japan. Majestic...
Americans Amy, Stacy, Jeff and Eric look for fun during a sunny holiday in Mexico, but they get much more than that after visiting an archaeological...
In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a...
A knight returns home from the Crusades to find his village devastated by disease and his family gone. He roams the forest searching for them, until...
A photographer and his wife travel across Armenia photographing churches for a calendar project. Travelling with them is a local man acting as their...
A story about two urban boys, who spend a summer at the romantic Kis-Balaton side with an old field keeper, and gradually change their point of view...