Andrew Scott brings multiple characters to life in Chekhov's Uncle Vanya, filmed live in West End, London. Hopes, dreams, and regrets are thrust into...
In a dark, velvety theatre, there is a first kiss between Pietro and Tommaso. When the lights come back on, however, the two students have different...
Telling the true story of Marvin Bijou, a young boy from a working-class family in a small village, who suffers constant bullying at school and home...
A documentary about the legendary 1972 Toronto production of the musical about the life of Jesus, which launched many illustrious careers and ignited...
At Theater tonight is a TV show broadcasted from 25th August 1966 to 21st September 1985. The show is broadcast plays recorded in two or three days,...
It seems like a fairy tale story. Plucked from obscurity by the legendary actress Chigusa Tsukikage, 13-year-old Maya Kitajima is given the chance of...
Kabuki is a world-class theater with a history of over 400 years, but is also exciting entertainment. What is the secret of its enduring attraction?...
A Letter to the Theatre Signed, Basically_BroadwayHD
IMDb: 0
Hosted by Instagram sensation and Theatre Influencer Zoe Ennis (known as "Basically_Broadway), A Letter to the Theatre is a podcast that explores the...