From Murnau to Herzog, and until modern incarnations, a mischievous exploration of a cinematographic legendary character, with Nosferatu himself as a...
The definitive documentary on the history of nudity in feature films from the early silent days to the present, studying the changes in morality that...
The Death of 'Superman Lives': What Happened? feature film documents the process of development of the ill fated "Superman Lives" movie, that was to...
Music is an integral part of most films, adding emotion and nuance while often remaining invisible to audiences. Matt Schrader shines a spotlight on...
The untold origin story behind Ridley Scott's Alien - rooted in Greek and Egyptian mythologies, underground comics, the art of Francis Bacon, and the...
Running for 7 weeks from July 2007, each week focused on a different genre, examining British film by genre. Presented by Jessica Stevenson (Shaun Of...
25 from the Sixties, or the Czechoslovak New WaveHD
IMDb: 0
Two-part documentary about the Czechoslovak "New Wave" in the '60s, including interviews with directors, actors, and others involved in the industry...
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