Bud is a lonely and quiet boy whose moments of solace occur when he sits in rapture at the local cinema, watching towering and iconic figures on the...
Ten-year-old Johnny stands out from his family and his tough neighborhood in Eastern France. He's sensitive, intelligent and interested in all kinds...
"Tyler" is a short film written and directed by Joel Junior, award-winning director for his first short film (Ice Cream and Tequila), and produced by...
The film tells the story Hung, who was loved by his family as a child and lived in the protective arms of his parents. But the more the boy grew up,...
Tired of seeming invisible in their high school, and in an effort to make space for gender non-conforming kids in high school traditions, Jax makes a...
Bezpłatny nieograniczony dostęp, Szukaj niczego bez reklam, Miliony tytułów i dodawane każdego dnia, Wszystkie platformy i w pełni zoptymalizowane, Zawsze i wszędzie