About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed...
Slaking a thirst for dangerous games, Kathryn challenges her stepbrother, Sebastian, to deflower their headmaster's daughter before the summer ends....
When a group of friends discover how to conjure spirits using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill, until one of them goes too far...
When average 13-year-old Tracy befriends Evie, the most popular girl in school, Tracy's world is turned upside down as Evie introduces her to a world...
Abandoned by her father, a young woman embarks on a thousand-mile odyssey through the backroads of America where she meets a disenfranchised drifter....
Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross...
With no money and a sick young son, Angel returns to the underworld of fashion and luxury. Giovanna believes that Angel killed her father and will do...
People whose uncontrollable addiction to drugs, alcohol or compulsive behavior has brought them to the brink of destruction and has devastated their...
A father who never stopped fighting against drugs. A son who never stopped using them. Two sides of the same coin. Victor is a cop who has fought all...
Follow the first human mission to Mars, exploring the challenges of taking the first steps toward interplanetary colonization. The story focuses not...