In Lincoln City, some inhabitants have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily...
A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide...
In the shadowy world of drone warfare, combat unfolds like a video game–only with real lives at stake. After six tours of duty, Air Force pilot...
In Lincoln City, 4% of people have extraordinary abilities. Most live below the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a heavily militarized...
In a future where cities have crumbled and been reclaimed by nature we join a lone man exploring the ruins of the company Haven Nanosystems....
وړیا لا محدود لاسرسی, د هرڅه لپاره هیڅ اعلان نه لټون, ملیونونه سرلیکونه او هره ورځ اضافه کیږي, ټول پلیټ فارمونه او په بشپړ ډول مطلوب, هرچیرې او هر وخت