Over a decade after 'gates' connecting worlds appeared, awakening 'hunters' with superpowers, weakest hunter Sung Jinwoo encounters a double dungeon...
The movie starts with the first years of Mamoru Endou at Raimon. The first half of the movie shows what happened during the Football Frontier, until...
A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious...
Yagami Light is an ace student with great prospects, who's bored out of his mind. One day he finds the "Death Note": a notebook from the realm of the...
Originally a collection of clips from the Neon Genesis Evangelion TV series, Death was created as a precursor to the re-worked ending of the series....
As the young girls have discovered the truth about the cruel fate of a magical girl, one magical girl after another is destroyed. Throughout it all,...
In the distant future, humanity has colonized the stars. To maintain peace and order across mankind's New Frontier, Earth's Cavalry Command develops...