Doaa el-Adl, the first woman to be awarded the esteemed Journalistic Distinction in Caricature, serves as a catalyst for transformation within the...
Survival is not enough. Fariba Tabrizi has made it. Under peril of death she has fled from Iran. In Germany she has no alternative way of avoiding...
Anger, bullets and blood were the only things they gave us. Suffocation. Fight, fight, fight! Cruelty in the world will not last and finally one...
وړیا لا محدود لاسرسی, د هرڅه لپاره هیڅ اعلان نه لټون, ملیونونه سرلیکونه او هره ورځ اضافه کیږي, ټول پلیټ فارمونه او په بشپړ ډول مطلوب, هرچیرې او هر وخت