10-year-old Tashi and his ageing grandma live as tenants to a wealthy family, in a remote mountain village in Darjeeling. Their job is to look after...
Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which aired on broadcaster NHK from April 4, 1983 to March 31, 1984. The series follows the...
In a time of turmoil, Xu Xiao rises as King of Northern Liang, defeating threats from steppe kingdoms and southern uprisings. His heir, Xu Fengnian,...
Upstairs: the wealthy, aristocratic Bellamys. Downstairs: their loyal and lively servants. For nearly 30 years, they share a fashionable townhouse at...
Sasuke Furuta is a vassal of the great warlord Nobunaga Oda and a man obsessed with tea ceremony and material desires in his pursuit of a fortuitous...
A girl named Haru Asagi works as a maid for the Miyanomori family, which is headed by one of Japan's most powerful magnates. However, the family head...
The story about two individuals from different backgrounds who became victims of their circumstances and are destined to spend their whole lives with...
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