The drama follows the Long Wind Escort Agency as they are led by young master Guo Xu to thwart the conspiracy plots. Along the way, the romantic and...
Mahiro Yasaka is just an ordinary high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Just when everything seems to be...
A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool...
The second son of a Mafia boss, Kinn Theerapanyakul, is fleeing from an enemy when he meets Porsche, an enterprising young bartender. Porsche agrees...
Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and...
The Danish national police branch PET is in charge of personal protection, mainly of politicians and royal family. That also involves preventive work...
Oh Wan-soo, who married into the powerful Hwain Group, faces death threats. She crosses paths with Seo Do-yoon, a bodyguard investigating a friend's...
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