A mind-bending love story following Greg who, after recently being divorced and then fired, meets the mysterious Isabel, a woman living on the...
The historical saga of American superheroes. Born in the period between the Great Depression and the World War II to combat the hobgoblins of the...
While going through a difficult divorce from her domineering, businessman husband, Alexandra moves back into her old childhood brownstone home, where...
Prolific South African artist and filmmaker William Kentridge chronicles how he creates intricate, wall-sized charcoal drawings of the vistas from...
In this short gay film, a young man spends his time drawing sketches and daydreaming of a life he wishes to have.
Animation inspired by the poem “The Infinite” by Giacomo Leopardi.
When anything is erased from a chalkboard, it’s not really gone – it just enters a realm called the Chalkzone. And fifth grader Rudy...
Kwinjira kubusa, Shakisha ikintu cyose Nta matangazo yamamaza, Amamiriyoni yicyubahiro kandi yongeyeho buri munsi, Amahuriro yose kandi Yuzuye neza, Ahantu hose kandi igihe icyo aricyo cyose