This true story, which takes place in Fort Campbell, KY, tells the heart-wrenching story of the life and tragic death of soldier Barry Winchell. His...
John Breen (John Wayne), a Kentucky militiaman falls in love with French exile Fleurette De Marchand (Vera Ralston). He discovers a plot to steal the...
When their abusive parents are killed in a car crash, twin sisters Rosie and Violet vow to run away to Kentucky in search of a better life. While on...
Driven by a plea for help from a man in Appalachia under supernatural assault, a small crew of paranormal researchers find themselves in a dying coal...
Our host goes in search of outdoor adventure and showcases the best fishing, hunting, and wildlife-related recreation Kentucky has to offer. Produced...
Daniel Boone was a four-part television series that aired on Walt Disney Presents on ABC. Two episodes aired in December 1960 and two others in March...