Colonia Helena, Argentina. The mysterious Tomás Kóblic, a former Navy pilot, works as a fumigator while dealing with his dark past and...
La Pampa, Argentina. María, a teacher in a small town who is about to become a mother, decides to leave her violent husband to raise her child...
A bitter postcard of the town of the Buenos Aires countryside that Argentinean writer Manuel Puig (1932-90) portrayed with singular mastery, based on...
La Pampa, Argentina. Don Genaro Gran hires gaucho Juan to capture horses and tame them. In his quest, Juan rescues a girl in trouble whose beauty...
An atmospheric and dreamy picture poem from Argentina's vast La Pampa region, where ancient stories of spirits are evoked in dark and evocative...
Kwinjira kubusa, Shakisha ikintu cyose Nta matangazo yamamaza, Amamiriyoni yicyubahiro kandi yongeyeho buri munsi, Amahuriro yose kandi Yuzuye neza, Ahantu hose kandi igihe icyo aricyo cyose