In 1933 New York, an overly ambitious movie producer coerces his cast and hired ship crew to travel to mysterious Skull Island, where they encounter...
The story of a German singer named Willie who while working in Switzerland falls in love with a Jewish composer named Robert whose family is helping...
On the day before Easter in 1911, Don Hewes is crushed when his dancing partner (and object of affection) Nadine Hale refuses to start a new contract...
Buddy Young was the comic's comic, beloved by everyone. Now, playing to miniscule crowds in nursing homes, it seems like everybody but Buddy realizes...
A television adaptation of a Japanese comic titled Skip Beat about a girl name Gong Xi who got betrayed by her long time boyfriend, Bu Puo Shang. In...
Behind the glitzy entertainment industry lies a dark and sinister world: harsh working conditions of production sites, domineering hotshots, and the...