In Kerala, the Adat family reigns supreme in the gold trade and other influential businesses. With George Peter as the respected patriarch and Marco...
Millie is a struggling woman who is relieved to get a fresh start as a housemaid to Nina and Andrew, an upscale, wealthy couple. She soon learns that...
The daughter of a poor drum player Ganga Dhaki, Jamunas drumbeats strike a chord with Sangeet, the son of a rich aristocratic landlord Kedar Roy. The...
Aditya is a pilot who lives in Mumbai with his family and wife, Pooja. Zoya lives in Mussoorie with her husband, Yash. They both love their spouses a...
A confident and talented Rani wants to earn big for her family. But, her way to success is filled with roadblocks. On the other hand, Raja, born with...