The fearless, curious and adventurous girl, Liv dreams of leaving her home in the woods. When the polar bear Valemon offers her family a way out of...
Italian airship engineer Umberto Nobile enjoys a quiet life with his beloved dog Titina. One day, Norwegian explorer superstar Roald Amundsen...
What could possibly be more important than feeding your daughter?
Six people are grouped in front of a wall as if for a photograph. The entire ceremony is supervised by a seventh person, who, like a photographer,...
At the seaside beach fates of balding sailor, young girl and two modest creatures - the bee and the crab are tangling.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA! tells the story of one girl’s Google-search-gone-wrong to find out why she can’t stop pulling out her hair.
An exploration of shape and space and the boundary between 2D and 3D in three contrasting parts.
This handmade silent film is a sociopolitical satire of our everyday life in Cyprus. Part of the Cyprus Collage Trilogy.
مفت لامحدود رسائي, ڪابه اشتهار ڳوليو, لکين لقب ۽ هر ڏينهن شامل ڪيا ويا, سڀ پليٽ فارم ۽ مڪمل طور تي بهتر ئي ٺاهيا ويندا, ڪٿي به ۽ ڪڏهن به