The adventures of a heroic and debonair stalwart mouse named Stuart Little with human qualities, who faces some comic misadventures while living with...
As Stitch, a runaway genetic experiment from a faraway planet, wreaks havoc on the Hawaiian Islands, he becomes the mischievous adopted alien "puppy"...
The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of...
Lewis, a brilliant young inventor, is keen on creating a time machine to find his mother, who abandoned him in an orphanage. Things take a turn when...
A young boy and his dog, who happens to have a genius-level IQ, spring into action when their time-machine is stolen and moments in history begin to...
When Pete and Ellie decide to start a family, they stumble into the world of foster care adoption. They hope to take in one small child but when they...
Sang-hyun is always struggling from debt, and Dong-soo works at a baby box facility. On a rainy night, they steal the baby Woo-sung, who was left in...
Challenges of impending parenthood turn the lives of five couples upside down. Two celebrities are unprepared for the surprise demands of pregnancy;...
Follows the lives and families of three adults living and growing up in the United States of America in present and past times. As their paths cross...
A story about the life of a mother and her two daughters; a real daughter and an adopted daughter whose fates are twisted and lives change due to the...
By force of circumstances, a 30-year-old single man with a full-time job suddenly starts raising a 6-year-old girl. While running each other ragged,...
When two hit men take out a dangerous mobster, the last thing they expect is for him to have a four-year-old daughter - now an orphan. But when they...
A young girl named Hye-Na is abused by her mother, Ja-Young. Although she is not okay, she tells other people she is alright. Soo-Jin is a temporary...