Nerdy accountant Harold and his irrepressible friend, Kumar, get stoned watching television and find themselves utterly bewitched by a commercial for...
Four lifelong friends set out on an unforgettable journey to see their hero Tom Brady play in Super Bowl LI and witness one of the greatest comebacks...
Six years have elapsed since Guantanamo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But...
Even though he's 35, Alex acts more like he's 13, spending his days as the world's oldest video game tester and his evenings developing the next big...
Trish invites her high school basketball teammates over for a night they'll never forget -- or survive -- when an unexpected guest crashes the party:...
Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage in this hilarious retro-sitcom. For Eric, Kelso,...
Broad City follows two women throughout their daily lives in New York City, making the smallest and mundane events hysterical and disturbing to watch...
Exploring the history and use of psychedelic plants. Psychedelica examines; Sacred Healing ,Integrating Shamanic, Wisdom, Treating Illness with Plant...