A prestigious Stockholm museum's chief art curator finds himself in times of both professional and personal crisis as he attempts to set up a...
Following in the great tradition of his classic "How To" animated shorts of the 1940's, Goofy makes his return to the big screen in "How to Hook Up...
Portrait of Andy Goldsworthy, an artist whose specialty is ephemeral sculptures made from elements of nature.
The decision to move to Holland doesn't sound like a wise idea. Why move to a country that could be flooded at any moment? For the last 25 years,...
CREMASTER 3 (2002) is set in New York City and narrates the construction of the Chrysler Building, which is in itself a character - host to inner,...
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. Filmed at the United States Marine Corps Air Ground...
Past and present life in the anarchistic "free city" of Christiania, in Copenhagen, Denmark. In Sandra of the Tuliphouse or How to Live in Free...
Based on an installation by Alberto vev
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. In A Sun With No Shadow, Farocki calls attention to...
REkOGNIZE is a three-channel video installation and a meditation on photography, memory, and movement. Artist and Academy Award-nominated...
Catatonik is a multi sensory installation project which becomes part of my final study for the course design for social change. It is an attempt at...
Ilya Kabakov is considered one of the most important contemporary artists worldwide. Born and raised in the Ukraine in the period between Stalin and...
Falling Frames is the first fragment of a series in which Langkamp explores the framing and visualization of three-dimensional perspective through...
Each pixel is separated like an exploded screen, set in a chaotic way into the space. The video has a whole movement in the room, as one three...
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. Three Dead depicts a military exercise within a mock...
A three-channel video installation, working with the themes of risk, hybridity and the unfathomable to explore the city of New Orleans through the...
مفت لامحدود رسائي, ڪابه اشتهار ڳوليو, لکين لقب ۽ هر ڏينهن شامل ڪيا ويا, سڀ پليٽ فارم ۽ مڪمل طور تي بهتر ئي ٺاهيا ويندا, ڪٿي به ۽ ڪڏهن به