Self-made chemist Sean, a recluse living in an old trailer in the woods, suffers from pill-popping delusions of fortune. When his manic attempts at...
Inspired by a powerful involuntary mania which took hold of citizens in the city of Strasbourg just over five hundred years ago, this film is a...
A young man sets out to challenge the world and himself after a hard partying. Along his manic journey, he encounters his Sancho Panza, the party...
A doctor's mysterious pill offers solace to a teen plagued by an unknown disease. As he uncovers the chilling truth behind his affliction, he is...
مفت لامحدود رسائي, ڪابه اشتهار ڳوليو, لکين لقب ۽ هر ڏينهن شامل ڪيا ويا, سڀ پليٽ فارم ۽ مڪمل طور تي بهتر ئي ٺاهيا ويندا, ڪٿي به ۽ ڪڏهن به