Hiiragi Mix takes place after the events of Given and is focuses on the relationship between Mafuyu's childhood friends Hiiragi Kashima and Shizusumi...
Jennifer, a gorgeous, seductive cheerleader takes evil to a whole new level after she's possessed by a sinister demon. Now it's up to her best friend...
The Lone Rangers have heavy-metal dreams and a single demo tape they can't get anyone to play. The solution: Hijack an FM rock radio station and hold...
It's graduation day at Huntington Hills High, and you know what that means - time to party. And not just any party, either. This one will be a night...
In the seventies Strange Fruit were it. They lived the rock lifestyle to the max, groupies, drugs, internal tension and an ex front man dead from an...
Beautiful immortals have gathered in Harajuku to compete for a grand prize: Immense power! For years now the artists behind worldly culture and music...