Tasmania, 1954: Slovenian migrant Melita abandons her husband and young daughter, Sonja. Sonja's distraught father perseveres with his new life in a...
Set in a Slovenian coastal town in WW2, the film tells a story about villagers who help partisans to get rid of Italian, and later German authorities...
2009, Slovenia. For 30 years, Alija, the miner, has been one of the many Bosnian immigrant workers. Due to the crisis, miners are losing jobs. Alija...
Two boys, Kekec and Rozle, come to serve a farmer, with a blind daughter Mojca, as shepherds. As the night falls, the two boys start talking about a...
A misplaced pregnancy test creates confusion in the minds of grown-up children. Eva returns to her home town, to unresolved things from her past. Max...