Emanuelle returns to Kenya, trying to get an interview with a foreign gangster who's taken refuge in the African countryside while still operating an...
Police officer Tom Sharky gets busted back to working vice, where he happens upon a scandalous conspiracy involving a local politician. Sharky's new...
Being suspicious that his wife is cheating on him, a Belgrade taxi driver discovers that she's about to be traded by a local gang who drug women and...
After a young woman is coerced into prostitution and her brother framed for murder by an organized crime syndicate, retribution in the form of an ape...
Two beautiful young women on vacation looking for fun. Two dirty cops looking for easy prey. One human auction where the rich, dominant and powerful...
On the coast of France, the police are raiding the streets and taverns at night in search of girls to send to the colonists in North America. A ship...
Aggie, A 67 year-old Black Cajun, has just stepped into her worst nightmare. Her two granddaughters have disappeared, and the only clue she possesses...