A bucolic fantasy frolic in which an adaptable young woman must navigate a bewildering and whimsical phantasmagoria, populated by anthropomorphic and...
Mark Hunter, a lonely high school student, uses his shortwave radio to moonlight as the popular pirate DJ "Hard Harry." When his show gets blamed for...
20 volunteers agree to take part in a seemingly well-paid experiment advertised by the university. It is supposed to be about aggressive behavior in...
In a small and conservative Scottish village, a woman's paralytic husband convinces her to have extramarital intercourse so she can tell him about it...
An aged tailor recalls his life as the schoolteacher of a small village in Northern Germany that was struck by a series of strange events in the year...
Sailors want to remain in their small world, which is warm and cozy and full of lies, but their routine life turns upside down when one of them gets...