The wicked Badiyanu has come to capture all Earth's children to gain enough power to absorb the planet in her Black Dream Hole. The Black Dream Hole...
Tim Burton's reimagined classic combines live action and stop motion, making for a creepy adventure into the woods. It is known for having aired only...
Peter Carter, his wife Sally and their young daughter Jean move to a sleepy Canadian village, where Peter has been hired as a school principal. Their...
Thanks to an auto accident, a parasitic alien manages to get into a hospital. It quickly moves from the crash victim into a candy striper. Among the...
In this campy Australian horror short inspired by the popular '90s Goosebumps series, a juvenile plan to obtain more candy on Halloween backfires on...
Unlikely heroes Finn and Jake are buddies who traverse the mystical Land of Ooo. The best of friends, our heroes always find themselves in the middle...
Granutes are intelligent lifeforms that operate secretly in the human world. They kidnap people for the sake of "Black Market Sweets." As people are...