In Manhattan's Central Park, a film crew directed by William Greaves is shooting a screen test with various pairs of actors. It's a confrontation...
Animator Ryan Larkin does a visual improvisation to music performed by a popular group presented as sidewalk entertainers. His take-off point is the...
An Imperial Message is a 1975 Hungarian experimental film directed by László Najmányi. The 'story' was based on Franz Kafka's...
"Des-authorized" is the combination of three stories, three realities that coexist and feed. The journey begins in the imagination of Elia K, the...
Zdenek Pešánek created the first public kinetic sculpture, for the power station in Prague. This short experimental film focuses on a...
A man wanders an oceanic dreamscape in search of a woman from his past.
An elegy to a love affair that has gone sour, a fond farewell to that most beautiful material that has subjugated our planet – plastic.
A non-verbal visual journey to the polar regions of our planet portrayed through a triptych montage of photography and video. Landscapes at the...
A cinematic journey through the world. Non-verbal.
A dare from Swedishllama (UrolithicOak)
A constant journey from outer space to a town in Norway, where we encounter small pieces of people’s lives.
A boy conjures the stars out of yogurt.
A man sifts through his dreams, dilemmas, memories, secrets and the poetics of love as he harbours his greatest desire, to simply die.
"Beyond Noh" rhythmically animates 3,475 individual masks from all over the world, beginning with the distinctive masks of the Japanese Noh theater...
A series of vaudeville acts inserted in images of reality, meant to demonstrate the ephemeral nature of all things.
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