One morning in an ordinary town, five people are shot dead in a seemingly random attack. All evidence points to a single suspect: an ex-military...
The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two...
This is the story of the crew of a downed bomber, captured after a run over Tokyo, early in the war. Relates the hardships the men endure while in...
A soldier comes home with the weight of the world pinned to his chest.
The story of Vietnam War veteran Tim Kochis, who earned a Purple Heart after being wounded in action. Kochis is a world-renowned wealth manager...
නොමිලේ අසීමිත ප්රවේශය, දැන්වීම් නැත කිසිවක් සොයන්න, දිනපතා මිලියන ගණනක් සහ එකතු කරනු ලැබේ, සියලුම වේදිකා සහ සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම ප්රශස්ත කර ඇත, ඕනෑම තැනක සහ ඕනෑම වේලාවක