Told through the voice of former KGB agent Viktor Petrovich, whose life becomes inextricably linked with Ronald Reagan's when Reagan first caught the...
Comprised entirely of archival footage taken during those pre-reality-television years, The Reagan Show looks at how Ronald Reagan redefined the look...
In 1979, Louis Malle films the thriving lives of a Minnesota farming community, but returns six years later to document its drastic economic decline,...
In 1988, after two terms in office, Ronald Reagan left the White House one of the most popular presidents of the twentieth century -- and one of the...
The Reagan Era was marked with names, triumphs and tragedy that made history that became the fabric of American life and memory: Iran-Contra the Cold...
The recession of the 1980s split the country into the haves and have-nots, from family farmers to factory workers and homeless people forced to live...