Originally a home video never intended for public viewing, this film captures the final chapter in Roger Federer's legendary tennis career, featuring...
Ryoma Echizen is a young tennis prodigy who has won 4 consecutive tennis championships but who constantly lies in the shadow of his father, a former...
The Seigaku tennis club has been invited to train at the U-17 (Under 17) camp. Seigaku is one of the 50 middle schools invited and must compete with...
Follow the journeys of Simone Hicks, a tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills, and elite baseball player Damon Sims from Chicago, as they navigate life at...
On her first day at Nishi High School, 15-year-old Hiromi Oka is inspired by top player Reika "Ochoufujin" Ryuuzaki to take up tennis. Shortly after...
Playing Soft Tennis is supposed to be the focus of the Shiratama Soft Tennis Team. And for some of the girls, like farm girl/would-be champion Asuna,...
The girls of the Usakame High tennis club, Kinako Tanaka, Ayako Suzuki, Kurumi Satou, and Nishi Nishiarai-Taishi, pursue their various dreams... The...
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