In this episodic animated fantasy from France, an art teacher interprets a series of six fairy tales (each involving a prince or princess) with the...
One of Klahr's masterpieces, Altair is an 8 minute collage color -noir culled from late-40s pages of Cosmopolitan, which induces a sense of...
In a white lace universe, three inventors create machines which are both pretty and useful. Unfortunately people do not understand them...
"The strangeness of this film is laced with carefully moulded apocalypses as the filmmaker explores a vision of life beyond death – the Elysian...
An experimental short film by Walerian Borowczyk and Jan Lenica.
The best animation compilation on this side of the thrift store!
As winter gives way to spring in the Russian wilderness, a crafty fox promptly expels a defenceless hare from his warm, comfortable residence,...
This short animation by artist and animator Evelyn Lambart offers a wordless plea for the right of all living creatures to a clean, unpolluted...
ALEXANDER THE GRAPE, an unfinished cut-paper animated short from Jim Henson from 1965, relates the fable of a young grape with big ambitions who...
"After GYMNOPEDIES, I had long wanted to animate a film specifically for a pre-selected piano piece by [Erik] Satie. MOONLIGHT SONATA is that film....
Animation using cutout animation to craft a bizarre science fiction experiment. Moving spheres, such as balloons and bubbles, are superimposed on...
Two duelling birds get the urge to change their plumage. A blue jay wants to be decked out in the green of cedar, and a loon dons the burnished red...
An animated adaptation of Poe's famous short story.
One person makes the long and difficult journey towards finding their own beauty. In trying to mimic the beauty of others around them, they...
An animated film made from approximately 1700 laser printed photo(collage)s, manipulated by hand.
A silhouette animation anthology TV series conceived, written and directed by Michel Ocelot and realised at La Fabrique, consisting of short...
A children's animation series that is centred around Bertie the bat and his friends who all live in the sky and try to keep it clean and pollution...
Elle and her son Rowan are on the run. Is this twisted mother and son relationship a bizarre case of extreme Munchausen syndrome by proxy? Or is...
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