Documentary film version of the stage show in which actress Cynthia Gates Fujikawa explores the story of her father, actor Jerry Fujikawa, who had a...
After a whirlwind romance, Olivia finds herself as the mistress of the imposing Foxworth Hall, where she soon discovers that the fairy tale life she...
Ji Eun finds out her sister Hee Jung is the daughter of a famous fashion designer and takes over her place as a real daughter. Ji Eun loses her sense...
Ireland is a 2004 South Korean television series starring Lee Na-young, Kim Min-joon, Kim Min-jung and Hyun Bin. It aired on MBC from September 1 to...
Pong Lang dancing is Plengpin's favorite thing, but her mother who's a former top Pong Lang dancer always tries to stop her from doing it. Daopradub...
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