Aadu 2 revolves around Shaji Pappan and his group of misfits, who take part in another tug-of-war contest to win the golden cup. But along the way...
Inspired by Sherlock Holmes books, enforcement officer PL Thomas wants to crack a big case in his first posting. However, his wife's antics lead to...
The sudden implementation of demonetisation rattles the country, and a few black money hoarders in Kerala are trying their best to save their void...
Maua fua leai se faʻatagaina, Saili mo se mea Leai se Faʻasalalauga, Miliona o ulutala ma faʻaopopo i aso uma, Faʻavae uma ma Atoa faʻaleleia, Soʻo se mea ma soʻo se taimi