Night mode
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E laʻititi ifo nai lo le 1 minute e saini ai i luga ona mafai ai lea ona e fiafia faʻatasi i ata tifaga & televise.

00:00:00 / 00:30:00

ウルトラニャン 星空から舞い降りたふしぎネコ 1997 Maua fua leai se faʻatagaina

ウルトラニャン 星空から舞い降りたふしぎネコ 1997 Maua fua leai se faʻatagaina

Haruka finds a cat in an abandoned building and names it "Nyan". Little does she know that this cat is actually "Ultra-Nyan" who has come from outer space. Using his mysterious powers, Ultra-Nyan helps Haruka and her friends foil the plans of a couple of no-good catnappers.

Tafe fia afe o tifaga ma TV faʻaali fua.