Squadron Leader Veer Pratap Singh, a pilot in the Indian Air Force, rescues the stranded Zaara, a woman from Pakistan, following a bus accident, and...
In Victorian England, wealthy patriarch Sir Harald Alabaster invites an impoverished biologist, William Adamson, into his home. There, William tries...
A homage and parody of 1950s and 1960s Thai romantic melodramas and action films. Dum, the son of a peasant falls in love with Rumpoey, the daughter...
About sweeping love, rock & roll and getting rid of all that stale air of the fifties. You've got the good guys - that's Lulu and Jimi - and the bad...
As young children, half-siblings Axel and Yanne are adopted to Norway. They are separated on arrival, him to material wealth on Oslo's west side, her...
An unusual, real-world romance involving relatable people, with one catch - there are three of them! You Me Her infuses the sensibilities of a smart,...