In a loose retelling of the Revolutionary Girl Utena TV series, Utena Tenjou arrives at Ohtori Academy, only to be immediately swept up in a series...
Five women embark on a search for a cabin that mysteriously went missing 60 years ago. They soon realize that watching them is a sinister, demented...
In 1984 a family throws a 14th-birthday party. 30 years later, they re-unite at two isolated houses in a forest, where horrific truths are uncovered...
A movie projectionist finds a mysterious can of film containing the warnings "do not open, do not project", and ends up releasing forces beyond his...
When Arabella, daughter of a vicar falls pregnant out of wedlock, she seeks help from the notorious woman of the woods ‘Hawisia'- who is said...
When a fearless queen's secret love is caught by the king and condemned to die, she performs a powerful spell to unite them forever through an...
Months after the gruesome events of Ramen Hell, Alejandro and Frank try to escape to Colombia with the help of René, a mysterious driver, and...
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