Free Will? A Documentary is an in-depth investigation featuring world renowned philosophers and scientists into the most profound philosophical...
"In Search of Memory" is a very personal portrait of Eric Kandel, the "rock star" of neuroscience and the most important brain researcher of the 20th...
A profile of Dr. Marian Diamond, a brain scientist who is considered one of the founders of modern neuroscience.
Is it possible to replicate the human brain on a computer? To connect it to machines? Research aimed at understanding the functioning of our...
Through interspersed conversation and prose, this experimental documentary follows a poet and a neuroscientist as they explore the definition of...
A short doc about how faces are perceived: by scientists, by artists, by animals. How do we remember faces so well if we can barely describe them...
The lastest neuroscience discoveries show surprising results: false memories, distortion, modification, déjà vus. Our memory is...
Ever wonder what's happening inside your head? From dreaming to anxiety disorders, discover how your brain works with this illuminating series.
In Masters of Mindfulness: Transforming Your Mind and Body, 11 top researchers and proponents of mindfulness discuss what modern science and...
Neuroscientist Dr Jack Lewis goes in search of people with unusual neurological conditions that give us a fascinating insight into how our brains...
2010 Human Behavioral Biology lectures by Robert Sapolsky
Series of programmes about psychology, in which Jonathan Miller talks to eminent psychologists about their theories and beliefs.
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