Jane, a struggling but perpetually stoned actress, has a busy day ahead. She has several important tasks on her list, including buying more...
Two college roommates venture out to identify a fellow student, who is most likely to commit suicide as it will help them pass the semester.
After a rare night of drinking on her 25th birthday, Jess wakes up to a wicked hangover and surprise unemployment. As she struggles with whether or...
High up in the Northern California mountains there is a place, where not too many get to visit. Its called - The Emerald Triangle, real mecca of...
This 1971 color anti-drug use and abuse film was produced by Concept Films and directed by Brian Kellman for Encyclopedia Britannica. “Weed:...
Marc Emery, Canada's most prominent marijuana activist popularly known as the "Prince of Pot," faces extradition to the U.S. and a possible life...
The global 'war on drugs' has seen countless human rights abuses and claimed many lives. In 2013, Uruguay [made history when it] became the first...
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