When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake...
Ina, whose ex-boyfriend runs off, leaving her in debt, manages to catch on a cunning con artist who tries to con her. But instead of turning him to...
An aging actor returns to a small town with his troupe and reunites with his former lover and illegitimate son, a scenario that enrages his current...
While on the run from zombies, a couple begin to have some relationship issues.
After bank president David Dwight makes a vast loan to himself to build a remarkable skyscraper, his board questions the propriety of the loan....
Set in a quiet suburban neighborhood, four friends, entangled in a web of secrets, break into a not-so-stranger's house to steal back something...
The friendship between two college students takes a dark turn after one of them witnesses the other hanging out with another student, going against...
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