Aspiring actor Edward undergoes a radical medical procedure to drastically transform his appearance. But his new dream face quickly turns into a...
An unemployed Brit vents his rage on unsuspecting strangers as he embarks on a nocturnal London odyssey.
Kabir, a genius yet hostile medical student, falls in love with Preeti from his college. When Preeti's father spots the couple kissing, he opposes...
It is a bitter story about a middle-aged man, who hates his life and other people, including himself. Adam Miauczynski, the character known from...
A window into the broken soul of Bruce, battling long-term depression and the culmination of events leading up to the tipping point of his bottled up...
A teenager girl's accidental death incites a media frenzy and causes her harsh father to turn his rage against those he believes are responsible.
The girl's morning begins in conflict with her own persona.
A man, alone in a bathroom, gets ready to go out. He's stopped in his tracks when he trips on his bathroom scale. Desperate to rid his body's...
The depressed Sall (19) is going swimming with his friends after being isolated for a long time. He doesn’t know his place in the group and...
When a teenage girl gives in to peer pressure and takes a mysterious pill, she soon discovers chilling consequences that force her to confront the...
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