A passionate coming-of-age tale set amidst the conservative confines of modern Tbilisi, the film follows Merab, a competitive dancer who is thrown...
This colourful, music-filled and sensual melodrama based on early stories by Maxim Gorky tells the fatal love story between the beautiful and...
Khem and Wan, two young men from Chachoengsao take on the mission to investigate the truth hidden inside "Man Suang", the most luxurious and...
Juno was just a child when his father abandoned him from their village in Central Java. Abandoned and alone, he joins a Lengger dance centre where...
Actors from Warsaw's garden theatres dance a traditional Polish dance, cracovienne.
Celebrates 30 years of televised specials by The National Geographic Society.
An extremely passionate kathakali artiste falls in love with a mohiniyattam artiste and their blossoming affair gives rise to a new and unique form...
Facundo Arteaga is a malambo dancer, who has already passed the barrier of thirties. His life is divided between work in the countryside and the care...
An epic love tale between a blind singer and bharathanatiyam dancer.
This short documentary profiles the traditional music and pageantry of Polish-Canadians in Manitoba. The heritage and national traditions of Poland...
Ludruk Tobong artists are trying to maintain the arts that support their livelihood and are also trying to eliminate the negative stigma of trans...
"Mexico begins where the roads end ”. Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes tells us about the history of Mexico: its invasions, its revolutions, its...
Mahara Unlimited Kuwana, Tsvaga chero chinhu Hapana Ads, Mamirioni ezvinzvimbo uye akawedzerwa zuva rega rega, Mapuratifomu ese uye Akanyatsogadziriswa, Kwese uye chero nguva