Migrant families experience violence, but they also keep beautiful memories when they arrive in new lands. Fantastic and intimate stories, recalled...
Norway, 1942, during World War II. After being separated from her family, Esther, a young Jewish girl from Trondheim, arrives at an isolated farm...
Who are we? Where do we come from? With private recordings, unique archive footage and stories from famous and unknown people, Trondheimsreisen takes...
The second part of the trilogy consists of three short movies: Adresseavisen (1967), Vinter i Bymarka (1952) & Trondheim i går, i dag, i...
Mahara Unlimited Kuwana, Tsvaga chero chinhu Hapana Ads, Mamirioni ezvinzvimbo uye akawedzerwa zuva rega rega, Mapuratifomu ese uye Akanyatsogadziriswa, Kwese uye chero nguva